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Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.

Posted by Maxim 
Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
July 01, 2013 02:52AM
Hello, friends! When someone decides to clear up location of his/her ancestral village, the very first problem is how to translate Hungarian names to modern Ukrainian. Hungarian name by itself says nothing about location, it can be in Transcarpathia, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania. However if we know modern name, location is established in a moment.

Below I publish list of Zakarpattya villages by county. Hungarian name is in bold and its modern Ukrainian analogue is on the right. Rusin names can be different but we mean now official map version. Hungarian names often have old-Hungarian spelling so there may be few versions of name. Sometimes Hungarian spelling of an old Slav name adjoins more authentic Hungarian name. I point mostly official and most used ones.

Origin of publication is state archive list of Hungarian and old-Hungarian names for Zakarpatska oblast. This information is not copyrighted but if you want to republish it please put the link to my website.

If you've found your village in our list, its vital records are kept in Uzhgorod archives. On this board you will find some suggestions for successful genealogical research.

If your case is unclear or you have additional questions please post them right here. As usually some demographical and historical data is available for every village so I will try to answer.
Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages. Ung megye.
July 01, 2013 02:59AM
Ung megye / Ung county

Ungvár Járás / Uzhgorod district

Andrasócz / Andrásháza = Andrijivka
Antalócz = Antalovtsi
Árok = Yarok
Bacsava / Bacsó = Chabanivka
Baranya = Baranyntsi
Őrdarma = Storozhnytsja
Császlócz = Chaslivtsi
Csertész = Chertizh
Cigányócz = Tsyhanivtsi
Darócz = Dravtsi
Domonya / Alsódomonya = Domanyntsi
Domonya / Felsődomonya = Onokivtsi
Dubróka / Ungtölgyes = Dubrivka
Gajdos / Nagygajdos = Hajdosh
Geőcz / Kisgeőcz = Mali Hejivtsi
Geőcz / Nagygeőcz = Veliki Hejivtsi
Gerény = Horjany
Hegyfark = Pidhorb
Helmecz / Putkahelmecz = Holmtsi
Hluboka / Mélyút = Hlyboke
Homok = Holmok
Horlyó = Hudlyovo
Hosszúmező = Dovhe Pole
Hutta = Huta
Iglincz / Unggesztenyés = Lintsi
Kemencze/ Ókemencze = Kamjanytsja
Kereknye = Korytnjany
Ketergény = Rozivka
Komorócz / Oroszkomorócz = Rus’ki Komarivtsi
Köblér = Kybljary
Laz / Nagyláz / Denglaz = Velyki Lazy
Lehócz = Ljahivtsi
Minaj = Minay
Neviczke = Nevytske
Orlyova / Ungsasfalva = Irlyava
Radváncz = Radvanka
Rahoncza = Orihovitsja
Szerednye = Serednye
Szlatina / Kisszlatina / Felsőszlatina = Solotvyno
Szlatina / Nagyszlatina / Alsószlatina = Nyzhnie Solotvyno
Sztrippa = Stripa
Ungvár = Uzhgorod
Valkaja / Ungordas = Vovkove

Kapos Járás / Kapos district

Ásvány / Tiszaásvány = Tisaashvan’, Chervona
Bátfa = Batfa, Derevtsi
Botfalva = Botfalva, Tarnivtsi
Csap = Chop
Gálocs = Halocs
Konczháza = Kontsovo
Palágy / Palágykomorócz / Komoróczpalágy = Palad-Komarivtsi
Pallo = Pavlove
Ráth / Kisráth = Mali Ratovtsi
Ráth / Nagyráth = Velyki Ratovtsi
Salamon / Tiszasalamon = Solomonovo
Sislócz = Shishlivtsi
Szelmencz / Kisszelmencz = Mali Selmentsi
Szürthe = Strumkivka, Siurte
Tarnócz = Tarnivtsi
Téglás = Tsehlivka

Berezna Járás

Berezna / Kisberezna = Malyi Bereznyi
Berezna / Nagyberezna = Velykyi Bereznyi
Bisztra / Turiabisztra = Turia Bystra
Bukócz = Bukivts’ovo
Csornoholova / Sóhát = Chornoholova
Domasina / Domafalva = Domashyn
Dubrinics / Bercsényifalva = Dubrynychi
Huszna / Erdőludas = Husnyj
Kemencze / Ujkemencze = Novoselytsia
Knyahina / Csillagfalva = Knyahinya
Kosztrina / Csontos = Kostryna
Lipócz / Hárs = Lipovets
Lubnya / Kiesvölgy = Lubnya
Luch / Ligetes = Luh
Lyuta / Havasköz = Lyuta
Mircse / Mércse = Mircha
Mocsár / Oroszmocsár = Rus’kyj Mochar
Mokra = Mokra
Paszika / Turjavágás = Turia Pasika
Pásztély / Begenyátpásztély = Behendyatska Pastil’
Pásztély / Kispásztély = Pastylky
Pásztély / Kosztyovapásztély / Nagypásztély = Kosteva Pastil’
Pásztély / Rosztokapásztély / Felsőpásztély = Roztotska Pastil’
Perecseny = Perechyn
Polena / Huttapolena /Mezőhuta = Polyans’ka Huta
Polena / Turia-Polena / Turjamező = Turja Polyana
Poroskó = Poroshkovo
Rákó = Rakovo
Remete / Turjaremete = Tur’i Remety
Szemere / Ószemere = Simer
Szemere / Újszemere = Simerki
Szmerekova / Szemerekő = Smerekovo
Szolya / Sóslák = Sil’
Sztavna / Fenyvesvölgy = Stavne
Sztricsava / Eszterág = Strychava
Sztuzsicza / Ósztuzsicza / Patakófalu = Stuzhytsia
Sztuzsicza / Újsztuzsicza / Patakújfalu = Nova Stuzhytsja
Szucha / Szuhapatak = Suhyj
Tiha / Ticha = Tyhyi
Turicza / Kisturicza / Kisturjaszög = Turychky
Turicza / Nagyturicza / Nagyturjaszög = Turytsia
Uzsok = Uzhok
Viska / Viharos = Vyshka
Voloszánka = Volosyanka
Vorocsó / Kapuszög = Vorochovo
Vulsinka / Egreshát = Ol’shynky
Zábrogy/ Révhely = Zabrod’
Záhorb / Határhegy = Zahorb
Zaricsó / Drugetháza = Zarichovo
Zauszina / Szénástelek = Zavosyna
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
July 17, 2013 10:28AM
Bereg megye / Bereg county

Tiszahát Járás / Tiszahát district

Ardo / Beregardo / Beregszász Végardó = Chepivka
Asztély = Astey
Badaló = Badalovo
Bégány / Kisbégány = Mala Byjhan'
Bégány / Nagybégány = Velyka Byjhan'
Bene = Bene, Dobrosill’ya
Bereg / Nagybereg = Velyki Berehy
Beregszász = Berehove
Búcsú / Bulcsu = Bucha
Csetfalva = Chetove, Chetfalva
Csoma / Tiszacsoma = Choma
Déda / Beregdéda = Didove
Gecse / Mezőgecse = Hecha
Halabor = Halabor, Hrabariv
Homok / Mezőhomok = Homok
Jánosi / Makkosjánosi = Yanoshy
Kigyós = Kid’osh
Kovaszó = Kvasovo
Macsola = Mochola
Muzsaly / Nagymuzsaly = Muzhievo
Oroszi / Sárosoroszi = Orosievo
Ujfalu / Beregujfalu = Berehujfalu, Nove Selo
Vári / Mezővári = Vary

Munkács Járás / Munkács district

Balázsfalva = Balazher
Bárdháza = Barbovo
Belebele / Kiscserjés = Belebove
Berezinka / Berszinka / Nyírhalom = Berezynka
Bubuliska / Borhalom = Bobovysche
Bukovinka / Beregbükkös = Bukovynka
Csabina / Dunkófalva = Dubyno
Csapocz / Csapolc = Chopivtsi
Cserejócz / Cserház = Cherejivtsi
Cserlenó = Chervenjovo
Dávidháza / Ódávidháza = Stare Davydkovo
Dávidháza / Ujdávidháza = Nove Davydkovo
Derczen / Dercen = Dertsen
Dubina / Dunkófalva / Dunkófalu = Dubyno, Obava
Dubrovicza / Repede = Bystrytsja
Fedelesfalu = Kryte
Fogaras / Beregfogaras = Zubivka
Fornos = Fornosh
Frigyesfalva = Klenovets’, Frid’yeshovo
Gáth / Gát = Hat’
Gévénfalva / Rónafalu = Zhborivtsi
Gorond = Horonda
Herczfalva / Hegyrét = Hertsivtsi
Hrabonicza / Alsóhrabonicza / Alsógereben = Nizhnya Hrabivnytsja, this village doesn’t exist now
Hribócz / Gombas = Hrybivtsi
Igléncz / Pásztorlak = Hlynjanets’, this village doesn’t exist now
Ignécz / Ignéc = Znjatsovo
Ilykócz / Ilkó = Il’kivtsi
Iványi = Ivanivtsi
Izsnyéte = Zhnjatyno
Kajdanó = Kajdanovo
Kálnik / Beregsárrét = Kal’nyk
Kenderecske = Konoplivtsi
Klacsanó = Kljachanovo
Klastromalja = Pidmonastyr
Klenócz / Ujklenócz / Nyárasdomb = Klenovets’
Klocskófalu / Lakatosfalva = Klochky
Klucsárka / Várkulcsa = Klyucharky
Kockaszállás = Kosyno
Kölcsén = Kol’chyno
Kucsova / Németkucsova = Kuchava
Kucsova / Oroszkucsova = Rus' ka Kuchava
Kustánfalva = Kushtanovytsja
Kuzmina / Beregszilvás = Kuz'myno
Lanka / Lauka / Lóka = Lavky
Leányfalva / Beregleányfalva = Lalovo
Léczfalva / Kislécfalva = Letsovytsja
Liszárnya / Erdőpatak = Lisarnja
Lohó / Kislohó / Nagylohó / Beregszőlős = Lohovo
Lucska / Kislucska / Kisrétfalu = Novoselytsja
Lucska / Nagylucska = Velyki Luchky
Medvegyócz / Fagyalos = Medvedivtsi
Mogyorós / Kismogyorós = Mykulivtsi
Mogyorós / Nagymogyorós = Kopynivtsi
Munkács = Mukachevo
Oroszvég = Rosvygovo, now part of Mukachevo
Patkanyócz / Patakos = Patskan’ovo
Pisztraháza = Pistrjalovo
Podhering / Őrhegyalja = Pidhorjany
Pósaháza = Pavshyno
Pusznyákfalva / Szarvasrét = Puznjakivtsi
Rákos / Beregrákos = Rakoshyno
Repede = Bystrytsja
Runófalva/ Rónafalu = Zhborivtsi
Ruszkócz / Nagyruszkócz / Orosztelek = Rus'ke
Schönborn / Alsóschönborn / Alsókerepecz = Nyzhnij Koropets’
Schönborn / Felsőschönborn / Felsőkerepecz = Verhnij Koropets’
Selesztó / Szélestó = Shelestovo
Skuratócz / Bereghalmos = Shkurativtsi
Szentmiklós / Beregszentmiklós = Chynadijovo
Szerencsfalva = Schaslyve
Szidorfalva = Hrabovo
Szinyák / Kékesfüred = Synjak
Sztánfalva / Szánfalva = Stanovo
Sztrabicsó / Mezőterebes = Strabychovo
Trosztyánicza / Nádaspatak =Trostjanytsja
Váralja / Munkácsváralja = Pidhorod, now part of Mukachevo
Vár-Palánka = Palanok, now part of Mukachevo
Viznice / Alsóviznice = Nyzhnja Vyznytsja
Viznice / Felsőviznice = Verhnja Vyznytsja
Vorotnyicza / Gombas = Hrybivtsi
Zimbrillova / Kockaszállás = Kosyno
Zsófiafalva = Sofija
Zsukó = Zhukovo

Felvidék Járás / Felvidék district

Ábránka / Kisábránka = Smologovytsja
Ábránka / Nagyábránka = Lokiť
Almás / Kisalmás / Beregkisalmás = Zaluzhja
Almás / Nagyalmás / Beregnagyalmás = Jabluniv
Árdánháza = Ardanovo
Babafalva / Bábakút = Babychi
Bilke = Bilky
Bród / Boród = Brid
Csertész / Csertész = Pidhirne
Deskófalva = Deshkovytsja
Dragabártfalva = Dorobratovo
Dubi = Duby
Dubróka / Beregdubróka / Cserhalom = Dubrivka
Falucska = Boharevytsja
Gálfalva = Kobalevytsja
Györgyfalva / Papgyörgyfalva = this village doesn’t exist now
Hátmeg = Zahattja
Iloncza / Ilonca = Iľnytsja
Ilosva = Irshava
Ivaskófalva = Ivashkovytsja
Kelemenfalva = Klymovytsja
Kisfalud / Beregkisfalud = Sil’tse
Klastromfalva = Handerovytsja
Komlós = Hmiľnyk
Kövesd / Beregkövesd = Kamjans'ke
Kutkafalva / Bábakút = Babychi
Lukova = Lukovo
Makarja = Makarovo
Martinka / Krajnamartinka / Végmártonka = Krajnja Martynka
Maszárfalva = Nehrovo
Medencze / Medence = Midjanytsja
Miszticze / Misztice = Imstychovo
Nyiresfalva / Nyiresujfalu = Dunkovytsja
Pálfalva / Beregpalfalva = Volovytsja
Papfalva / Beregpapfalva = Dilok
Patak / Feketepatak / Kenézpatak = Chornyi Potik
Palyánka / Füzesmező = Loza
Remete / Alsóremete = Nyzhni Remety
Remete / Felsőremete = Verhni Remety
Romocsaháza / Romocsafalva = Romashevytsja
Rosztoka / Beregrosztoka / Gázló = Velyka Roztoka
Sarkad / Kissarkad = Horbok
Szajkófalva = Osij
Szobotin / Szombati = Sobatyn
Szundákfalva / Hátmeg = Zahattya
Tõkés / Tökésfalu = Kolodne
Závidfalva / Dávidfalva = Zavydovo

Szolyva Járás / Szolyava district

Almamező / Volócz / Volóc = Volovets
Ábránka / Kisábránka = Abranka
Ábránka / Nagyábránka = Abranka
Beregócz / Felsővereczke = Verhni Vorota
Bilásovicza / Bagolyháza = Bilasovytsia
Bisztra / Felsőkisbisztra / Sebesfalva = Bystryj
Bisztra / Kisbisztra / Dombostelek = Ploske
Bisztra / Nagybisztra / Szolyva = Svaljava
Borszucsina / Borzfalva = Borsuchyna
Bresztó / Nagybresztó / Ormód = Brestiv
Brusztópatak / Lombos = Lopushanka
Bukócz / Beregbárdos = Bukovets’
Czolánfalva = this village doesn’t exist now
Csernek / Malmos = Strojne
Diszkovica / Kisvadas = Dyshkovytsja
Drahusócz / Felsővereczke = Verhni Vorota
Duszina / Zajgó = Dusyno
Egreske / Repede = Bystrytsia, Viľhovytsja
Hánykovica / Kisanna = Hankovytsja
Hársfalva = Nelipyno
Hlubokpatak / Verebes = Verbiazh
Holubina / Galambos = Holubyne
Hrabonicza / Felsőhrabonicza / Felsőgereben = Verhnya Hrabivnytsja
Hukliva / Zugó = Huklyvyj
Izvor / Beregforrás = Rodnykivka
Izvorhutta / Forráshuta = Rodnykova Huta
Jalova / Jávor = Jalove
Jobbovicza / Bányfalu = Suskovo
Kanova / Kanora = Kanora
Kicsorna / Nagycserjés = Kichernyj
Kotilnicza / Katlanfalu = Koteľnytsja
Kovácsrét = Kushnytsja
Laturka / Latorcafő = Latirka
Lázárpatak / Felsővereczke = Verhni Vorota
Mártinka / Kismártinka / Mártonka = Mala Martinka
Medvezsa / Medvefalva = Medvezhyj
Melnicsna / Kismelnicsna / Kispálos = Pavlovo
Miskorovicza / Miskafalva = Myshkarovytsja
Olenyova / Szarvaskút = Olen’ovo
Paskócz / Hidegrét = Pashkivtsi
Pászika / Kishidvég = Pasika
Paulova / Kispálos = Pavlovo
Perekreszna / Pereháza = Perehresnyj
Pereszirova / Rákócziszállás = Zavadka
Plávia / Zsilip = Plavja
Ploszkó / Dombostelek = Ploske
Ploszkófalva / Ploszkánfalva = Ploskavytsja, Brestiv
Polena = Polyana
Pudpulócz / Vezérszállás = Pidpolozzja
Romanócz / Vezérszállás = Pidpolozzja
Rosztoka / Kisrosztoka / Felsőhatárszeg = Mala Roztoka
Rosztoka / Nagyrosztoka / Alsóhatárszeg = Roztoka
Rosztoka / Ujrosztoka = Nova Roztoka
Roszos / Kopár = Rososh
Serbócz / Beregsziklás = Scherbovets’
Szászoka = Sasivka
Szkotárszka / Kisszolyva = Skotars’ke
Szolocsina / Királyfiszállás = Solochyn
Szolyva = Svaljava
Sztrojna / Malmos = Strojne
Szuszkó / Szuszkó-Ujfalu / Bányafalu = Suskovo
Szvalyovka / Kisszolyva = Svaljavka
Talamás / Zúgó = Huklyvyj
Tibava / Nagytibava / Havasalja = Tybava
Timsor = Lazy
Tisova / Csendes = Tyshiv
Tövisfalva / Újtövisfalva = Drachyno
Uklina / Aklos = Uklyn
Verbiás / Verebes = Verbiazh
Vereczke / Alsóvereczke = Nyzhni Vorota
Vereczke / Felsővereczke = Verhni Vorota
Veretecső / Zúgó = Huklyvyj
Zagyilszka / Rekesz = Zadil’s’ke
Zavadka / Rákócziszállás = Zavadka
Zbun / Izbolya / Izbonya = Zbyny
Zsdenyova / Szarvasháza = Zhdenievo
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
February 12, 2014 09:25AM
Máramaros Megye / Máramaros county

Máramaros-Sziget Járás / Máramaros-Sziget district

Apsa / Alsóapsa = Dibrova / Nyzhnja Apsha
Apsa / Felsőapsa = Verhne Vodyane
Apsa / Középapsa = Seredne Vodyane
Fejéregyháza / Tiszafejéregyháza = Bila Tserkva
Körtvélyes / Szentmihály-körtvélyes = Hrushovo
Szlatina / Aknaszlatina / Faluszlatina = Solotvyno

Tiszavölgyi Járás / Tiszavölgyi district

Belin / Bilin = Bilyn
Bogdán / Tiszabogdány = Bohdan
Borkut / Borkut = Kvasy
Fejérpatak / Terebesfejérpatak = Dilove
Kabola-Polyána / Gyertyánliget = Kobylets’ka Poljana
Kaszó-Polyána / Kaszómező = Kosivs’ka Poljana
Kőrösmező = Jasynja
Rahó / Aknarahó / Bocskórahó = Rahiv
Roszucska / Rászócska = Rosishka
Trebusa = Dilove

Taraczviz Járás / Taraczviz district

Bedő / Bedőháza = Bedevlja
Brusztura / Lopuhiv = Lopuhiv
Dombó = Dubove
Gánya = Hanychi
Irholcz / Irhóc = Vil’hivtsi
Kálinfalva / Alsókálinfalva = Kalyny
Kerekhegy = Okrugla
Királymező = Ust’-Chorna
Kirva / Kiskirva = Bilovartsi
Kirva / Nagykirva = Kryva
Kökényes = Ternovo
Krasznisora / Tarackraszna = Krasna
Lonka / Széleslonka = Shyrokyj Lug
Mokra / Németmokra = Komsomols’k / Nimets’ka Mokra
Mokra / Oroszmokra = Rus’ka Mokra
Nereznice / Alsónereznice / Nyéresháza = Neresnytsja
Nereznice / Felsőnereznice / Taracújfalu = Novoselytsja
Nyágova = Dobrjans’ke
Pudplésa / Pelesalja = Pidplesha
Taraczköz / Taracköz = Teresva
Tereselpatak = Tarasivka

Técső Járás / Técső district

Bustyaháza / Falubustyaháza / Handalbustyaháza = Bushtyno
Csománfalva = Chumal’ovo
Darva = Kolodne
Dulfalva = Dul’ovo
Ferenczvölgy / Técső = Tjachiv
Kövesliget = Dragovo
Kricsfalva / Kricsfalu = Krichovo
Mihálka = Krajnikovo
Ötvösfalva = Zolotarjovo
Sándorfalu = Oleksandrivka
Sófalu / Husztsófalva = Danylovo
Száldobos = Steblivka
Talaborfalu = Tereblja
Técső = Tjachiv
Uglya = Uglja
Ujbárd = Novobarovo
Urmező = Rus’ke Pole
Vajnág = Vonigovo

Huszt Járás / Huszt district

Berezna = Berezovo
Bereznik / Bereznek = Bereznyky
Bisztra / Alsóbisztra = Nyzhnij Bystryj
Dolha = Dovhe
Gernyes = Kopashnovo
Huszt = Hust
Husztköz = Nankovo
Iza = Iza
Kereczke / Kerecke = Kerets’ky
Keselymező = Koshel’ovo
Kusnyicza / Kovácsrét = Kushnytsja
Lipcse-Polyána / Lipcsemező = Lypets’ka Poljana
Rókamező = Lysychovo
Szeklencze / Szeklence = Sokyrnytsja
Szelistye / Alsószelistye = Nyzhne Selysche
Szuchabronyka / Szuhabaranka = Suha and Bron’ka
Visk = Vyshkovo
Zádnya / Zárnya = Pryborzhavs’ke

Ökörmező Járás / Ökörmező district

Bukócz /Bükköspatak = Bukovets’
Hidegpatak / Alsóhidegpatak = Nyzhnij Studenyj
Hidegpatak / Felsőhidegpatak = Verhnij Studenyj
Holyatin / Óholyatin / Tarfalun = Holjatyn
Holyatin / Ujholyatin / Tarújfalu = Novoselytsja
Horb / Kalocsahorb / Alsókalocsa = Horb / Kolochava
Imsád / Kalocsaimsád / Felsőkalocsa = Nehrovets’
Iszka = Izky
Kelecseny = Kelechyn
Láz / Kalocsaláz / Alsókalocsa = Kolochava
Lozánszka / Cserjés = Lozjans’kyj
Lyahovecz / Lengyelszállás = Liskovets’
Majdánka = Majdan
Nyegrovecz / Kalocsanyegrovecz / Felsőkalocsa = Nehrovets’
Ökörmező = Mizhgirja / Volovoe
Pilipecz / Fülöpfalva = Pylypets’
Podobócz / Padóc = Podobovets’
Priszlop / Pereszlő = Pryslip
Rekita / Rekettye = Rekity / Liskovets’
Ricska / Kispatak = Richka
Ripinye / Repenye = Repynne
Rosztoka = Roztoka / Pylypets’
Szinevér / Alsószinevér = Synevyr
Szinevér-Polyána / Felsőszinevér = Synevyrs’ka Poljana
Szolyma / Vizköz = Sojmy
Toronya = Torun’
Tyuska / Csuszka = Tyushka
Vucskómező = Vuchkove
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
February 13, 2014 05:25AM
Ugocsa Megye / Ugocsa county

Tiszáninnen Járás / Tiszáninnen district

Csongova / Kiscsongova / Nagycsongova = Borzhavs’ke
Egres / Szőllősegres = Oleshnyk
Fakóbükk = Bukove
Fancsika = Fanchykovo
Feketepatak = Chornyj Potik
Karaszló / Alsókaraszló = Zarichchya
Karaszló / Felsőkaraszló = Greblja
Karácsfalva = Karachyn
Keresztur / Tiszakeresztur = Perehrestja
Komjáth / Magyarkomjáth / Nagykomjáth = Velyki Komjaty
Kupány / Kiskupány / Alsóveresmart = Mala Kopanja
Mátyfalva = Matijovo
Ölyvös = Vil’hivka
Rakasz = Rokosovo
Rákócz / Kisrákócz / Kisrákóc = Malyj Rakovets’
Rosztoka / Szőllősrosztoka = Mala Roztoka / Dubrivka
Salánk = Shalanky
Sárad / Alsósárad = Nyzhne Bolotne
Sárad / Felsősárad = Shyroke
Sasvár / Tiszasásvár = Trosnyk
Szirma / Tiszaszirma = Drotyntsi
Szőllős / Nagyszőllős = Vynogradiv
Szőllős / Végardószőllős / Szőllősvégardós = Pidvynogradiv
Ujfalu / Ilonokujfalu = Onok
Ujhely / Tiszaujhely = Nove Selo
Ujlak / Tiszaujlak = Vylok
Verbőcz / Verbőc = Verbovets’
Veresmart / Felsőveresmart = Velyka Kopanja

Tiszántul Járás / Tiszántul district

Akli = Okli
Akli-hegy = Akli Hegy / Klynova Gora
Akli / Öregakli = Stare Klynove
Akli / Újakli = Nove Klynove
Almás / Fertősalmás = Zabolottya
Ardó / Feketeardó = Chornotysiv
Batar = Botar / Bratovo
Bökény / Tiszabökény = Tiszabökény / Bobove
Csarnatő = Cherna
Csepe = Chepa
Csoma / Csomafalva = Zatysivka
Farkasfalva / Tiszafarkasfalva = Vovchans’ke / Péterfalva
Fertősalmás = Fertősalmás / Zabolottya
Forgolány = Forgolány / Divychne
Gödényháza = Gudja
Gyula / Szőlősgyula = Dyula
Heteni / Hetény / Tiszahetény = Getynja
Hömlőcz / Hömlőc / Alsóhömlőc / Felsőhömlőc = Holmovets’
Királyháza / Tölgyesfalva = Korolevo
Nevetlenfalu = Nevetlenfalu / Djakovo
Patak / Rákospatak = Gorbky
Péterfalva / Tiszapéterfalva = Péterfalva / Petrovo
Szászfalu / Tiszaszászfalu = Sasovo
Tarna / Kistarna = Hyzha
Tekeháza = Tekovo
Tisza-Kirva = Kryva
Tivadar / Tivadarfalva = Fedorove / Péterfalva
Ujfalu / Sósujfalu / Sósfalu = Novoselytsja
Veléte = Veljatyn
Verécze / Veréce = Verjatsja

Szatmár Megye / Szatmár county

Szatmár Járás / Szatmár district

Palád / Nagypalád = Velyka Palad’
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
July 14, 2013 12:55AM
Hi Maxim,

I found my village of interest on your list above (Lyuta/Havasköz), so I believe this indicates that there are records for this village in the Uzhgorod Archives. What types of records are typically available? Are they church records, census records, or something else? Is it possible to access these records, either online or by hiring a researcher in Ukraine? I'd appreciate any information you can provide. Thanks!

Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
July 14, 2013 02:48AM
Hello Christine, absolutely! Demographic information of past for Lyuta is now held in Uzhgorod.

Lyuta is first mentioned in historic records in 1599 as property of Druget aristocratic family. “Lyuta” literally means “severe”. Name reminds about severe winter frosts which were usual for that area.

At dawn of 20th century it was well populated village with apprx 1900 of inhabitants. It was settled mostly by Rusyns, other communities were Germans, Hungarians and Jews. There was Greek-Catholic church, Catholics and Jews attended nearby churches in Nagy Berezna.

Other sources state about even bigger population, 2807 of inhabitants in 1900 and 2936 in 1910. Among them Rusyns – 2771, Jews – 116, Germans – 109, Hungarians – 56.

For sure, for Lyuta we have Hungarian notarial metrics starting from 1895. I have to specify question about available GC church records, on Monday I will send you email with definite years and books available.

Ancestry didn’t film this region that’s why only option is to hire an experienced researcher. If asked who’s the best choice I’d decently answered it’s probably me. smiling smiley
Herbert Deutsch
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
April 03, 2014 07:17AM
I just came across your this site. Fantastic! Can you tell me what records would be available for the villages of
Palágy / Palágykomorócz / Komoróczpalágy = Palad-Komarivtsi
Szelmencz / Kisszelmencz = Mali Selmentsi

I am interested in several families named Berger, and Schwartz or Svartz and Weiss.
Also please advise of your fees
Herbert Deutsch
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
April 03, 2014 07:19AM
I forgot to mention that the time period I am interested in is from 1810 to 1900
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
April 08, 2014 01:56AM
Hi Herbert, fortunately we have cleared up availability of vital records in our email correspondence, so my reply is mostly for readers.

Palágykomorócz / Palad-Komarivtsi is small but very old village, first mentioned in written sources in 1409, although first settlers appeared here yet in 7th century AC. Historians think village was established in 12-13th centuries.

At the dawn of 20th century, its population was apprx 300 of inhabitants, mostly Hungarians.

Today its population should be around of thousand of inhabitants.

Szelmencz / Selmentsi was actually one village till 1946 when Ukraine - Czechoslovakian border run right through its central street and divided it into two villages - Veľké Slemence and Mali Selmentsi / Kisszelmencz. Village was established in 13th century. Population of smaller part, Kisszelmencz was apprx 200 of inhabitants at the beginning of 20th century, it didn’t change much nowadays.
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
April 19, 2014 03:30PM
I'm trying to locate information for Gregory Kucsak born in Zarichovo Zarichevo Zaricso Ukraine (Old Drugethasa, Hungary) around 1880-1882. He had a brother Andras born there also in 1871. I'm trying to find parent's names, thought to be Charles and Mary. Are there any census records that might verify any of the above information?
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
April 24, 2014 01:05AM
Hi Donna, information about records and my suggestions already sent to your email, as well as specifying questions.

Some interesting facts about Zarichevo / Zaricso / Drugetháza. One source notes year of establishment as 1409, another source refers to 1551 Latin records about "arrival of Zarich to Ung". Name of village means "over the river" or "village over the river Uzh". Zarichevo belonged to aristocratic family of Drugets, actually Drugetháza means "house of Drugets".

In 1828 there were 1243 Greek-Catholics and 17 Jews, in 1891 population enlarged to 1502 of inhabitants, mostly Rusyns, Hungarians and Jews. Greek-Catholics had own church in Zarichevo, Roman catholics attended Nagy Berezna, Jews attended synagogue in Perecseny.

In 1893 railway line Ungvar-Nagy Berezna run through Zarichevo and it had positive impact on economical conditions. Census of 1981 shows 2253 of inhabitants, in 2001 their number enlarged to 2283.

This panorama photo made near Zarichevo gives idea about wild nature around.
Richard Woods
The name Hudan in Salank
July 18, 2014 09:08PM
My Grandmother Maria Hudan was born in Salank, Hungary, now Salank, Ukraine. Any information on the name Hudan in that area. She was born around 1896. she came to the US in 1912. She married Stefan Laszlo in 1914. They bacame Steve and Mary Lasslo in the US. Stefan Laszlo was born in Szeged, Hungary which is now Szeged, Slovakia. Any information on birth ecords etc., would be greatly appreciated. Richard Woods
Re: The name Hudan in Salank
July 19, 2014 02:57AM
Hi Richard, prior information and specifying questions are sent to your email.

Salank now is predominantly Hungarian village, with population of ~3100 of inhabitants. First it was mentioned in written sources in 1332. People of Salank took active participation in Hungarian war of 1703-1711 against Habsburgs. Exactly in Salank in 1711, in building of Reformat church, Ferenc Rákóczi conducted last meeting of Kuruc leaders.

Some good Salank photos from Panoramio

In 2011, they've made reconstruction of last Kuruc meeting, it was big event in Salank. Actor with mace plays Ferenc Rákóczi. Photo is attached.
open | download - Ferenc Rakoczi.jpg (295.4 KB)
Terie Vass
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
October 25, 2014 02:59PM
Hi. I have been trying to find information about my husband's Vass family from Tiszaujlak/Vylok. We have his 2x great grandparents names, Mihaly Vass born 1829 in Tiszaujlak was a master carpenter and Veronika Buzath born 1839 in Visk, Maramaros. We know my husband's grandpa Sandor's brothers and parents names but don't know what happened to any of the brothers. Only Sandor came to the US. The family was wealthy and married into high nobility (great grandma was Iren Szentmiklosi es Ovari Pongracz and her mother was a Boszormenyi from Pettyen) The Buzaths owned pharmacies in several towns. They were Roman Catholic and I was told the church in Tiszaujlak was destroyed but were there copies of the records saved? Do you think any records would be available? I found someone to copy the church records for Visk for me but everyone says I will never find anything for Vass from Tiszaujlak. What do you think?
Thanks. Terie
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
October 30, 2014 02:11AM
Hi Terie, I've spent some time trying to clarify situation around RC church in Tiszaujlak/Vylok.

Roman-Catholic temple in Vylok was first mentioned in written sources in 1332. Unfortunately, original building was destroyed by Tatars and Turks. New temple was built in 1877, styled baroque and devoted to St. Helen. Later, in 19th century, they have completed building with four-level tower. Pipe organ was made in 1896 by Rieger brothers.

There is information that keeping of the vital records have begun in 1735. However, it seems skeptics are right, there is nothing for Roman-Catholics of Vylok in archive. The closest parish available is Nagyszollos but I don't think they recorded Tiszaujlak there.

Situation with Visk is better but years mentioned are unavailable.
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
January 24, 2015 07:02AM
I am trying to find information regarding my great-grandfather, Joseph Roman, born in March 1880. His parents were Matyas Roman and Anna Danko. Joseph also had a brother, Peter, and Peter had a son, Pavo (or Pavel) born in the 1910's. I believe the entire family was born and lived in Huta, which is now part of Uzhgorod.

If you are able to find anything, even to just confirm that this likely the village my great-grandfather emigrated from, I would be so greatful!

Thank you so much!
Dana Roman
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
January 31, 2015 12:39AM
My great-great-grandfather immigrated from Hungary to the US in the early 1900's. All the census and other records I found so far say that he was born in Máramaros and he and his family member's last residence before departure was Jholcz, Hungary. I've been searching and searching for weeks for any info about Jholcz, Hungary or any name that looks similar to it and I can't anything and I have no idea what it's called now or if it's even in the Ukrain or Romanian part of Máramaros. Would you happen to know what it's called now and where it's located? And if so and if possible, could I find any birth, marriage records, etc. from there, especially from the year 1885 and earlier?
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
January 31, 2015 01:27AM
KEM, first of all, it's important how you got the transliteration of city, Jholcz. Well, frankly, it doesn't sound Hungarian at all. It's hard to say anything without seeing original documents. Again, many city names were distorted and this is definitely the case. Jholcz is not authentic name, it's distortion.

Accordingly, I've checked all gazetteers I have but I don't see anything similar in Maramaros.
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
January 31, 2015 01:04PM
First off, thank you for checking your gazetteers for me. Well, I got the transliteration from the passenger records on the Ellis Island website searching for the ship that he immigrated here on. All of his other documents (census, draft cards, naturalization form, etc.) that I found only say that he was born in Máramaros and that his parents were born in Hungary and nothing more. Naturally some of them say Czechoslovakia as well since some of them were filled out between 1920 and the 1940's. The passenger records were the only documents I found that gave the name of any city or village that he was possibly living in. I myself didn't think it sounded Hungarian either and figured the name was changed somehow. I don't know if he changed it or if the person who issued the tickets changed it or if there was a mistake when reading the the passenger list because the handwriting is kind of difficult to understand. But it also said (the printed version anyway) that his nationality was Hungary/Lithuanian, so I'm really confused. No other records I found say that he had Lithuanian nationality, only Hungarian and I even searched for names of cities in Lithuania as well and still couldn't find anything remotely similar to it. I always heard that he had a lot of family members who stayed back home, but I know nothing about them and I don't know how to find out any information about them since I don't even know exactly where he and they lived and I don't even know where to start searching.
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
February 04, 2015 12:02AM
Aha! I'm grateful to my friend's hint. I think you mean Irholtcz, modern Vilhivtsi in Tyachiv region.

Today its population is 3 400 or so, it's established on the road Tyachiv and Ust' Chorna, in 18 km from Tyachiv. River Teresva runs through easterm outskirt of the village. In the west, they have huge hill, a perfect point of observation.

Officially village is first mentioned in 1486, but probably exactly this village was mentioned in Hungarian sources in 1389 as Ilhoba.

KEM, please check your mail, I've sent my suggestions.
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
February 14, 2015 09:09AM
I am trying to locate the home of my Grandfather, who immigrated to the US in 1914 from Amastichio, Hungary. One of my cousins identified Imstychovo, Ukraine as a near-by location. Can you help me?/Users/patricia/Desktop/Scan 4.jpeg/Users/patricia/Desktop/Scan 5.jpeg/Users/patricia/Desktop/Scan 6.jpeg
Records from Zakarpattya Villages
February 15, 2015 10:37AM
I'm interested in learning about your services. Would I be able to obtain digital images of vital records of my family found in the archives?

Villages: Baranyntsi, Dubrivka, Serednie and Vovkove.

Thank you.

Las Vegas, NV, USA
mary beth conkle
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
May 27, 2015 07:42PM
My family is trying to find information on relatives that lived in Hungary. I know my Grandmother was Elisabeth(ERszeket?) Licsko and lived in Sighet from 1902-1926. I think her father was Karol Licsko and he died trying to breal up a fight. Her mother Susana then married a Dely and I think they had a son named Janos or Joseph/ The other Licsko kids were Alexander, Julia, Maria, and Piroshka who became a nun. Where would I find possible online sources for information on them? My Grandfather Alexander or ?Sandor Goydan was born in the US to John Goydan(may have been spelled Goiden or Goidan in Hungary) and Julia Nogrady Goydan but was sent to live with his grandmother somtimes after 1893, My mother said the town is Kisharktine0I have no idea how it is spelled. Any idea what town that might be. He did a tailoring apprenticeship in Ungvar around 1905, Any online sources I might try to find the Nogrady's or Goydan/Goidan/Goiden family infromation. Many thanks for any hints you can give

is how their names were spelled on the wedding invitation
Licsko Erzsebet and Goydan Sandor
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
May 28, 2015 11:27PM
Hi Mary, if you insist you want to find information online, there is only option, LDS films and site which provides them, FamilySearch.com. Records online or in films are available only from them, I have different specialization and area of my specialization is also different. In spite of your clear information on names, it should be always structured basing on location - and here you are, unfortunately, not clear. For example, your grandmother lived in Sighet but was she born there? Also, Kis Arktine doesn't sound familiar to me, at least, I don't think it is related to Transcarpathia.

It reminds Kis Apahida (today's Pagida in Romania) or Kis Apati, if we take away Kis (small), it sounds as Arka, Arkalie, Arkia, Arkita, Arkuta. These are old Hungarian names of real cities. Arkita=Erked=today's Archita in Romania. However, these are only suggestions, it would be good to check immigration documents, if any, to see original location.
Ed Balogh
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
June 07, 2015 08:39PM
Stumbled on to your information by accident. The information I have comes from my father's birth records in Cleveland. Erzsebet & Geza were his parents. She later married Gabor. I asked Cleveland Hungarian genealogists where to find NagyGejoz on a map but did not get an answer.
I believe that your information helps me put it on a map. I believe that I can place Gabor not too far away in Hungary but I guess not in Transcarpathia and I know that Gyor was a big city. I'm not sure if I have a specific question other than what else is possible to find out. But thank you for sharing information that only a small number of people in the world would ever be interested in.

Erzsebet Gerek , b. 18 April NagyGejoz Ungmegye County Hungary 1889

Geza Zsolnay (Marosy ?) Gyor Hungary

Gabor Balogh(Gabriel) born Sept. 15, 1889 in Pocsaj, Hungary
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
June 08, 2015 12:34AM
Well this is very easy task. Nagy Geiocz is modern Velyki Geivtsi and I definitely know where to find it on map. I also know what you can find for your ancestors who were living there. Please check your mail.
Timothy Kotsay
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
August 17, 2015 11:30AM
Please tell me what information is available for Szőllős / Nagyszőllős = Vynogradiv. My grand mother was born there in 1889. Her father and his 3 children left for America in 1906 after his wife died.
Dennis O
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
August 20, 2015 09:28PM
I am trying to locate a village named Ittvarnak where my great grandfather was born. My understanding is it it somewhere in Hungary. I came across a map of Hungary dated 1897, the year he was born, but did not find any villages by that name. My great grandfathers name is Frank Gyolai.
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
August 21, 2015 08:34AM
Hi Dennis, it's an easy question, Torzsudvarnok/Ittvarnak is Banater Hof in German or Banatsky Dvor in Serbian. This is small village in Serbia, this way, it has not relation to Hungary and Transcarpathia.

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