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Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.

Posted by Maxim 
John Schuzer
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
March 09, 2017 11:27AM
Dear Maxim,

I just recently returned from a trip into Slovakia searching for records of my paternal Grandfather and his ancestors thought to have lived in Tovisfalva. My adventures took me into Trnovec Slovakia and while searching the records in the area we found NO trace of him or his parents. A local historian did mention to look into Bereg Hungary as a possible alternative, as there was another village of Tovis.I found it on an old Bereg ethnic map! Today Tövisfalva / Újtövisfalva is currently known as Drachyno, Ukraine. Where and whom would be the best to reach out to for assistance in records for this area?

Thanks for the conversion on your previous blog! What a smile it brought to my face to find it.

John Schuzer
Wheaton, IL, USA
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
March 10, 2017 12:23AM
Hi John, I'm curios what you mean, saying "conversation in my previous blog". I hope you will remind me.

About Drachyno, it may be complicated. Availability of records requires specification but if they exist, they are in Uzhgorod, and I'm the best person to reach out for assistance in records. )

But right now I would like to get more information about your case. Please check your mail for my questions.
Bob Kotcher
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
August 18, 2017 01:45PM
Hello Maxim,

I am trying to find out information on my Grandparents and Great Grand Parents. The little information that I do have, tells me that they were from the village of Oroszkomorócz in the county of Ung, the Uzhgorod District in Austria Hungary, If I understand correctly, today this is known as Rus’ki Komarivts in Zakarpatska Oblast, Western Ukraine. My Grandfather’s name was Andras Kacsur and he was born on September 24, 1878. His father’s name was Gyorgy Kacsur and his mother’s name was Anna Bureh (not positive of the spelling on her last name).

I understand that he had at least 3 brothers, Gyorgy Kacsur who lived in Europe, Peter Dikun and George Dikun (different last names) who immigrated to the United States. I do know if her had any sisters.

I recently learned that my Grandmother also came from the very same village of Oroszkomorócz. My information on her is not good at all, but I do know that her maiden name was either Bertha Zeleninsky or Bertha Galemsky. She was probably born on March 14, 1884 and came to the United Stated before April of 1906. I know that she had at least one Sister named Anna. I have no knowledge at all about her parents names or if she has any other brothers or sisters.

Any information that you can provide or if you can direct me to the right places to continue my search, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!!

Sincerely yours,

Bob K
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
August 19, 2017 05:23AM
Hi Bob, thanks for writing to me. Yes, Hungarian name for Rus’ki Komarivtsi is Oroszkomorócz or Komorocz. This village has appeared in 15th century and it never been too populated.

Unfortunately, perspectives of possible research are rather modest. GC records for this village exist but they don't cover much so births of your grandfather (1878) and grandmother (1884) are in the gap of records. Nevertheless, existing church records may contain useful information.

Please check your mail, I've sent my suggestions.
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
September 02, 2017 07:33AM

My Great-grandfather, whose name was Ignatz Bilitzer, was born in Horjany, in March 11 1904, or in March 14 1904.

We have already spoken to someone from Uzhgorod who tried to search Ignatz's birth certificate for us and claimed that the birth records from this indicated village, Horjany, do not exist in the archives of Uzhgorod.

Do you have any idea that can help us reach my father's grandpa's birth records?

Appreciate any help,
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
September 04, 2017 02:40AM
Hi Yarin, thanks for making your post. Well, records are literally land of wonders. Theoretically, civil records for Horjany should be in archive but I'm not ready to say right now if it is so. Situation requires manual check.

Please check you mail, I have my suggestion for this situation.
Dianne Esplin
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
September 19, 2017 01:34PM

I'm tracking down a lead that may lead to my family. The woman came through Ellis Island, and stated her name was Maria Morgyak from the village of Fasyalos Hungary, and was Ruthinian. I found one possible suggestion that the village was in the mountains north of Mukachevo, and may have been the area now know as Medvedivtsi.

Is there anyway I can find out if that suggestion is legitimate? I cannot seem to find anything else with the name Fasyalos Hungary.

.... and I'm guessing the records for this area are in Uzhhorod?
Dianne Esplin
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
September 19, 2017 01:37PM
Amazing thing that "Find on this page" feature in windows. Found it! Thank you for this resource list of villages.
Re: Records from Zakarpattya Villages
October 06, 2017 03:51PM
My grandmother Roza Zicherman was an owner of a bar in Beregszasz between1935-1942. But because she spoke out against the government at that time she was jailed for 1 month in Debrecen it was in the paper I am told. Where in the Archives can I find this information.
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
October 08, 2017 12:45PM

I know that my great grandfather was from Ung, and left around 1900 to the US. However, his name was Janos Gabor..how to find information in modern day Ukraine about this? Thanks!
Re: Records from Zakarpattya Villages
October 12, 2017 03:02AM
Hi Eva, this is interesting case but not in my competence. I work with vital records and help people to search for ancestors who were settled inhabitants. In your situation, Roza Zicherman was jailed and very likely doomed in Debrecen, I guess this was place of trial court. And so logically, documents, if the exist of course, should be in Hungarian archives.
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
October 12, 2017 03:11AM
Hi Elysia, in fact we were discussing your case previously, I'm a little bit tied in what I can write publicly because details of the case were provided and this is personal information. I believe I've explained situation with availability of records and unfortunately, nothing has changed from time of our first correspondence.
david dikun
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
January 25, 2018 06:12PM
Bob, please contact me.
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
February 01, 2018 08:44AM
Hi Maxim. I've run into a stone wall researching my paternal grandparents, who are from Transcarpathia.

My grandmother, Martha Miski, was born Aug 1894 to George & Sophie in Nagy Komjat. Sophie's maiden name may have been Behar but that is a guess.

My grandfather, George Malyar, was born in either November or March 1888 in Nagycsongova to Istvan Malyar & Mary Beshalk. I do not know what the correct spelling of Mary's last name is. I found this info on my grandparent's wedding license issued in Pennsylvania.

Please let me know if you can help and what your services & rates are.

Thank you.
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
February 07, 2018 03:59AM
Hi Elaine, thanks for making your post. In my opinion, no need for desperation, situation is good at least for your gmather's ancestral family. Your gfather’s ancestral family in Nagycsongava is more problematic.

Also, if your gfather and gmother got married here, in Transcarpathia, this family also can be traced in civil records. However, this point has to be specified.

Please check your mail, I have a number of questions to you.

About services and rates, first, this is private information and so it will be provided only privately, second, this is individual information, rate is based on volume of work that supposed to be made during research. So first of all I need to understand my tasks clearly and only then cost of work will be declared.
Ellen Soloweyko Volpe
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
June 27, 2018 03:39PM
Maxim: Found this listing very helpful. Thank you for posting it. A found the closest to Andrasovce at Andrasocz/Andrashaza = Andrijivka; found Kuz'myno, but not Linci. They are very close to each other and I know from an address my mom had for a cousin that it is a Zakarpattya village. Any info on it?

Looking to find out more information on the Solovejko, Primich, Urich, Djachenko family from the Andrasovce area. Also the Popadinecz, Charchola, Mazutinecz family in Linci. Would like to find out the name of the church cemetery my grandfather is buried in. I have pictures of his grave with his niece Regina. Is there a way I can research this on my own? If not, please let me know what your charges are for doing such research. Would like to know the typical things that most want: birth & death dates, family members, baptism dates, and cause of death for them if it can be found. Would like copies of the certificates found if possible. I do have a membership on the LDS genealogy site, but will have to find a place where they actually will let me print these out.

Thanks for your help. Ellen Soloweyko Volpe
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
July 11, 2018 06:34AM
Hi Ellen, thanks for posting. Old name of Linci is Iglincz, today Linci, Kiblyary and Hajdosh make cluster of neighbor villages in Uzhgorod region.

I can help you to obtain information on your relatives, which is contained in vital records. These records are kept in state archives as books and bigger part of them never has been filmed. LDS has filmed only part of church books for old Bereg county.

Answering your question about research options, in fact you can make this research on your own if you will travel here and visit archives. However my service is a dozen times cheaper and faster and it doesn’t suppose any efforts on your part.

I can’t declare cost of research because it’s set individually for every case after thoughtful consideration. Besides, it’s necessary to check availability of records for certain dates and locations first.

Please check your mail, I've sent my questions to you.
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
September 17, 2018 07:44PM

Thank you for posting the names of Zakarpattya villages. It's really helpful!

My grandparents came to the U.S. from Marmaros in 1909 and 1912. My grandmother's Ellis Island and ship manifest documents list Visk as her last place of residence and "Kricofale," which I'm assuming is Kricsfalva / Kricsfalu = Krichovo, as her birthplace.

My grandfather's records show Habaura or Habiera, Hungary as the last place of residence. The word Habura is really difficult to read in the handwritten manifest. It was typed as Habaura. On the handwritten manifest there is an open "o" shape over the "u." The first letter is not very legible. Could that be Halabor = Halabor, Hrabariv?

One of my aunts always mentioned that the family was from Venehova. Could that be Vajnág = Vonigovo? Vonigovo looks like it's fairly close in distance to Visk.

Is it possible to get into the Uzherod archives online? I'd like to do some additional research.

Thank you,
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
September 20, 2018 03:00AM
Hi Joann, I only can congratulate you with excellent work done!

You have guessed that all. I only can reconfirm it.

Visk is modern Vyshkovo, Kricsfalu is Krichovo, these villages are located close in modern Khust region.

Habura/Habaura is directly what it is, i.e village Habura of Zemplen megye, now Habura in Presov region of Slovakia.

Venehova sounds to me like Czech spelling of Vonigovo, so you are right here.

Answering your question about archives, no you can’t access records online. Vital records are kept as paper books in state archives in Uzhgorod. I can help you only if you hire me as a researcher.
David J Savko
Village of Kisrakoc and Malyi Rakovec
February 09, 2019 10:30AM
My grandfather Mark Savko and his brothers came from (as we were told) Malyi Rakovec and one of his cousins came from Kisrakoc I think this is now Malyj Rakovets. My great grandfather was Ivan Milkovy Savko and my great grandmother was Analisha Antolic Savko. From what I understand there were several brothers and sisters that stayed in that area.

What I am looking for is clarification on the names of the villages, and some of their history as I can find nothing about either place. Any other information or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your consideration.
Re: Village of Kisrakoc and Malyi Rakovec
February 11, 2019 09:58AM
Hi Dave, you have guessed the village and its names already in your post. Really, Hungarian spelling is Kisrakoc or Kis Rakocz, and Czech spelling is Mali Rakovec.

I think you can’t find a lot of information about history because this small village is established in picturesque foothill of Carpathian Mountains, and there weren’t bright historic events connected with, obviously.

Interestingly that this place was inhabited back then in Paleolith, archeologists have found two Paleolithic type-stands on territory of modern village and nearby.

Kis Rakocz was established in 14th century as predominantly Rusyn village, in 1910 it was populated by 1673 inhabitants, among them 1628 Rusyns, 15 Hungarians and 30 Germans. Other sources indicate even less people, like 1300. Currently its population is a bit over 3.5K.

They say the village is known around by its exceptional moonshine.

About other information of advice, it depends on your intents. Please check your mail.
Dana Shtun
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
March 03, 2019 03:27PM
Hi Maxim: Would you have information about Dovhe, located just north of Khust? My maternal grandparents (Kapusty, and FIrka) came from there in the 1920s. We seem to have a lot of relatives in North America from there as well. Thanks, Dana.
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
March 05, 2019 06:11AM
Hi Dana, there is a lot of information about Dovhe. Right now it’s rather big village in Irshava region, in a valley of Borzhava river, with population round 8K. It has surprisingly rich history.

Key facts:

  • It was established in the end of 13th century as predominantly Rusyn village, first inhabited by free farmers. It was given to property of Dolhay aristocrat family in 14th century.
  • It was first mentioned in written document in 1383 as Hozyowmezew which is old Hungarian form for Hosszúmező which means "long field". Starting from 1404 in all written documents it is named Dolha or Nagy Dolha.
  • In 1417 Janos Dolhay has built wooden church and castle.
  • In 1460 Hungarian King Matyas Korvin allows Ambrus Dolhay building a stone house but Ambrus builds stone castle which was ruined in 1514 by peasant rebels.
  • Dolha has played important role in 1703-1711 Liberation war of Hungarians against Habsburg dynasty of Austria. In 1703 Dolha became the first battlefield of Kuruc rebels and Austrian army.
  • After defeat of Liberation uprising, Dolha was confiscated from Dolhay family and gifted to Earl Laszlo Teleki. He has built large stone palace which exists till now.
  • In Soviet age, they have built in Dovhe machine constructing factory, a couple of wood processing factories and hospital. It was known by "Borzhava" folk ensemble.

Now Dovhe is developed village with few large enterprises and factories, hospitals, schools, college, spa and even own soccer team.

About your maternal grandparents, I think it may be possible to find information about them in vital record but I lack details. Please check your mail for my questions.
I have been searching for the following villages of grandparents (found nothing so far). I got this info off passenger list of the ships.

Anna Olenocsin---------from Fuhos, Hungary

Andras Hriscko----------from Ujszomoluok, Hungary

Would Be VERY happy if anyone could help.

Re: Searching for these Hungarian Villages of Grandparents
March 07, 2019 02:57AM
Hi Sharon, it’s instantly clear to me that “Uiszomoluok” is Ujszomolnok in Zemplen county of Austria-Hungary. Now it’s Slovakian village Szmolnik.

But it’s not clear about Fuhos. In Zemplen county most suitable matches are Falkus, now Falkovce, and Fuzeser, now Vrbnica.

Other similar names are too far from the area, like Fugad, now Ciuguzel in Romania, and Fules, now Nikitsch in Austria.
Mary Meyer
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
July 30, 2019 07:28AM
I have a bit of a problem. My husband's grandmother was born in Palanka, Hungary, in 1899. I've been told that there were three Palankas in Hungary, one of which is now in the Ukraine, and I don't know which one might be correct. Her name was Julia Mary Mayer, her mother Rozina Mayer, and her supposed father was Gyorgy Lavros.

My guess is that it was Nemetpalanka near Serbia, but I don't know where to search for records for that region. She and her mother's family were Catholic, but through DNA testing we found that she must be half-Jewish. So our thought is that her supposed father must be Jewish (Her mother claimed that Lavros is Julia's father, though she married Lavros when Julia was about 10 months old.)

I have searched Gyorgy Lavros name, and have not found anything at all about him. Any help you might be able to provide is much appreciated.

Thank you,
Mary Meyer
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
August 05, 2019 02:19AM
Hi Mary, really, two Palanka villages now are in Serbia and one named Varpalanka is former village Palanka, now it’s a part of Mukachevo city.

I hope you have more details because name only doesn’t indicate location in your situation. However, if your guess is correct and village is really Nemetpalanka in Serbia, it would be better to discuss your case with a researcher in Serbia.

Please check your mail for my suggestions.
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
December 13, 2019 08:38AM
Maxim, thank you so much for this site. My father was born to a Jewish family in Bilke (Bilki), Irshava district in 1908 and emigrated in 1914. I know the names of his mother and father, and his mother's parents. I also know the names of some of his other relatives. His grandparents did not leave until about 1922. What records might you be able to find for them? Also please contact me regarding your services.

Thank you!

Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
December 16, 2019 01:36AM
Hi Richard, thank you for your post. As a researcher, I can help you obtain information about the family.

If you read through my forum, you know that civil recording for all villages and cities in Austria-Hungary has been started in 1895. So birth of your father in 1908 should be there anyway. And Jewish records for Bilke allow deeper research.

However, right now your inquiry is too vague. I would like to have more details in order to give more specific answer.

Please check your mail for my specifying questions.
Re: Hungarian names of Zakarpattya villages.
January 18, 2020 12:25AM
Good morning,

my great-great-grandfather Izsak Tuchman, was born to Menachem (Mendel) in Olaszliszka at 1860 +/- 5 years.

my great-great-grandmother Bertha Blima Ritter, was born around the same time at Szelmenec, father's name David.

Does the Jewish communities registrations in this towns exist and go any further then this?

Thank you!

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